Events, resources, and opportunities this Advent
Advent Calendars
In December, practice daily acts of joy by using one or more Advent Calendar–made for both children and adults. The Children’s Advent calendar is designed for coloring. Each day, children can color in a shape and complete a daily action prompt together with their family. You can pick one up in the church foyer or download/print at home using the link below.
The adult (and teen-friendly) calendar includes daily prompts for practicing joy in a weary world. You can also find these same prompts published daily on South Elkhorn’s Instagram and Facebook pages.
Advent Devotional
This devotional is designed to help you practice joy in a weary world. Each week offers art, reflections, poetry, and hymns. Journey through these pages at your own pace. This Advent, hold space for acknowledging your weariness, finding joy in connection, allowing yourself to be amazed, singing stories of hope, making room, rooting yourself in ritual, and remembering your belovedness.
You can pick up a hard copy of the Advent Devotional in the church foyer, or you can get a link for an electronic flip-book copy through the church office.
Christmas Eve Worship
December 24
4:00 PM
Experience the meaning, mystery and beauty of this holy night. A simple worship service is filled with the warmth of scripture, song and candlelight. The service closes in the song Holy Night as candles are lit and raised to welcome the Christ child. Nursery available for children 6 weeks to two years.
Christmas Eve Day
December 24, 2023
Sunday, 10:30 AM
Celebrate the joy and beauty of the last Sunday in Advent gathered for a morning worship service. Communion open to all people. Nursery available for children ages 6 weeks to 2 years.
Following worship you are invited to the historic sanctuary for the baptism of Lanny Adkins.